Woo yeah... another harddrive from the server bit the dust last night :-(
I'm thinking that it could have been the silly temperature - the box has being playing odd since it started to get cold. Shame it had to be the 120Gb drive to die :-(
Well at least I've got a backup solution in place now... spent all night worrying about how exactly I would manage to do it all and although it took a hell of a lot longer than it should have done (2 x CD drives in the loft being shagged, and my CD RW drive being a tad on the dusty side) - I manged to get it all restored!
It's only taken under 12 hours - bloody thing - although I now know in future should the worst occur again what to do and what no to!
A new 160Gb drive is on order - let's see how long it takes for me to kill that one! In the last year I've had 190Gb of my lovely drivage die on me in total :-( Ah well.
TIme to play the game of can I be arsed trying to recover yesterday's emails or not...