After much movement of bytes, coding and actually working out how best to do it, I've recovered most of the emails that got lost when the drive crashed. Actually, when I say most, I don't actually know how many I might be missing - until I actually miss them (which might not happen, 'cause I hoard emails so most of them would be shite anyway).
In order to try and sort out this backup lark once and for all I've just ordered a new harddrive, a 400Gb one, for my desktop machine, which means I can take the two 120Gb drives out and move them to work to use for remote backups - well that's the plan anyways. 400Gb, jeeze I'll never fill that... ;-). Buying the new drive has also put my personal data storage capabilities to just over 0.8Tb, woo yeah...
I suppose I should hunt down the missing images from posts on the blog now...
Silly poll time...