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April 22, 2005

So then... skating...

This went somewhat better than expected. I'm definatly improving, so it does show that practice makes perfect!

We learnt how to circular glides on the outside leg... or something like that... I don't do skating nomenclature.

At one point I managed to make myself feel really bad for making the instructor go an interesting shade of crimson...

We've all being trying to workout how the hell to do snow plow stops since we started the course and never really been able to do them. When ever we're shown how to do them, the instructor shows us whilse she's standing still... which doesn't really work for stopping. Anyway, I asked if the skates should be straight when you push them out, or pointing inwards. "Straight", she said, "some people say inwards, but I fall over when I do that". One of the other people on the course suggested that she shows us how to do it whilst she's actually moving...

"Hey", I point out, "you pointed your toes inwards load then!"
"I didn't, did I". The redness starts.
Off she goes again, this time looking at her feet.
"Oh dear, you're right". Woah, well red now. Ooops. At least she knows now...

After much practicing after the session was over I've now almost managed to master it. This is quite cool as I think it means I almost know all of Grade 2...

Chris and I also seem to have found two new friends on the ice. But we can't work them out, 'cause they're female...

Posted by Ed at April 22, 2005 2:17 PM | Skating |