Potty Page

March 3, 2005

So then, the crazy month that was February!

Well... only crazy as far as the blog goes.

In February the blog received a bloody rediculous 39652 unique visitors - about 20000 of these all appearing on two days. This is all down to my post about Gary Brolsma and his crazy dance!

It gave me quite a nice warm feeling inside when I reaslied that people on other sites were linking to that page, and even quoting my words verbatim on their own blogs/forums. Even the comments got quoted in some places.

So good I die on ground, no bull. I pee on table! My good thanks to world for good thing.

Yeah... it's a bit sad that the person who quoted that on their blog didn't link back to mine... how rude! Anyways, the Numa Numa post received a sweet 50297 page views :-)

Anything else interesting happen stats wise...? Well to put it bluntly, no. Just thought... it might be interesting... from my point of view to see which posts didn't get any hits in the month! I wonder how many out of the 825 (826 now) there are!

Posted by Ed at March 3, 2005 1:20 AM | Ramble |