Apparantly, according to my guest in the office earlier... my blog has gone all boring. Shock horror. This is mainly due to me not having much to talk about/that I want to talk about.
Went out for a meal for John's birthday on Saturday night. Was ok, even though the heating in the resturant was brokenified and it was bloody freezing. On Sunday I don't recalling doing that much... other than staying up until 5am... 5am(!) working on a project! Jeez. Monday, workwise, didn't happen. Because I was finishing off the projecty thing, and sleeping.
Today... well it was quite good. I didn't do much, looked through loads of patents whilst doing a patent search. Went to a Java lecture, yada yada yada.
The server here keeps dropping dead, I think it's the cold again... I've now moved the keyboard out of the loft, and installed a second monitor here so I can see what it says on the screen when it crashes. I've also, in theory, set it up so that the server will automatically reboot if it 'panics'.
I've a choice now... post a photo of my guest, (embarrasing her 'cause of the massive spot on her chin...) or a photo of the latest core dump... hmmm...
Didn't want to make you all gag! ;-)