Just been reminiscing about last week online with a guy I met there...
James : who would have though anyone would steal nasa technology just for a beer
James : step 1 put beer tap into high orbit
James : step 2 put glass into deepest hole
Ed : you're making me thirsty
James : step 3 pour
James : step 4 pour head (99.9999% by volume) into drip tray
James : repeat infinite times, and as iterations tends to infinity
James : pint tends to 1/3 full
It was quite funny really, 'cause when we commented to the guy that the beer appeared a bit lively he first claimed it was because the barrel was nearly empty... and then when this was clearly not the case said "I don't know what it could be, I've checked the gas and the barrel."
Of course we all knew the real reason...