Potty Page

May 16, 2003

There's a time and a place to lose your sense of direction on campus...

...and five minutes before your first exam isn't one of them...

Humm... managed to scare myself on the way to the Telecoms exam... sort of went a quick way... but that involved walking through the countryside stylee part of campus, along narrow paths with trees each side and stuff... unfortunately I wasn't sure exactly where these paths lead to. Luckily I was correct in my thoughts and the paths came out where I wanted them to be :) Was quite a nice walk really... I was miles away from my impending exam doom for a while which was nice... the exam wasn't that bad... could have been worse I suppose... but then could have been a lot better... Ed's magic prediction for the modules final result is... 47%. Which isn't enough really. Oh well.

Posted by Ed at May 16, 2003 4:18 PM | Course |